Published inNerd For TechCreate a React App without create-react-app β π (Using parcel)We all know how to create a react app using create-react -app. But there will be some times where we donβt need to use that. So today weβ¦Jun 5, 20212Jun 5, 20212
Published inNerd For TechReact Props and State - A basic introduction πProps and State are the basic and most important thing is React. It is must to have good knowledg in them.Jun 4, 20211Jun 4, 20211
Published inNerd For TechReact JS -Class Components and Functional Components π§ πUnderstand the basics of components in react with Class components and Functional components.Apr 25, 2021Apr 25, 2021
Published inNerd For TechReact - A simple beginning πA simple understanding of ReactApr 17, 20211Apr 17, 20211
Published inNerd For TechKoaJS brief introduction & Build a simple API (POST, GET)What is Node ? πMar 22, 2021Mar 22, 2021
Mongo DBβββThe NoSQL database : Installation and basic CRUD operationsEvery programmer have at least worked with one database. Managing and choosing the correct database is one of the important thing. Letsβ¦Mar 13, 20211Mar 13, 20211
Published inNerd For TechDive into Git with command lineβββDaily need git commandsThe word Git is a slang used to insult people which denoting an unpleasant, childish, annoying silly person. Well, the git we are going toβ¦Mar 2, 20211Mar 2, 20211
Complete guide to install and run MYSQL on Ubuntu 18.04βββUsing Generic Binaries.If you are a beginner to Linux/Ubuntu, installing and running MYSQL using generic binary on your PC will be a disaster for you. Even I hadβ¦Feb 24, 20211Feb 24, 20211
S.O.L.I.D Design Principles: Design Your Software BetterIntroduction for S.O.L.I.DFeb 17, 2021Feb 17, 2021
Installing JDK and setting JAVA_HOME in UbuntuUbuntu is a complete Linux operating system which is available for free. It is one of the popular Linux distribution these days.Feb 15, 2021Feb 15, 2021